Bainbridge Investments | Bainbridge Hershiser Income Fund Announces initial close of 3rd First Trust Debt Deed
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Bainbridge Hershiser Income Fund Announces initial close of 3rd First Trust Debt Deed

DECEMBER 2nd, 2014 9:00 A.M.

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA — Bainbridge Hershiser Income Fund announced today that it has had its initial closing on its third first deed debt fund.  With $100 million in capital, the fund will give investors the opportunity to have ownership in a variety of loans that will build a national portfolio of commercial and investment properties generating a minimum gross IRR of 13%. Additionally, investors will enjoy a preferred return that is distributed monthly and includes an 80% profit share with an estimated hold period of 24 to 36 months.

As an alternative to traditional financing, the fund offers short-term, low loan to value, first position trust deeds on a wide range of investment properties including: second and investment homes, single and multi-family homes in need of rehabilitation, apartment complexes, commercial retail, commercial offices, light industrial and warehouses, assisted living properties, self-storage facilities, and hospitality properties.

“The opportunity to have equal ownership in multiple loans for a variety of property types across the nation is a great way to create diversity and reduce risk in your real estate investment portfolio,” said Orel Hershiser, Bainbridge Investments General Partner. “We look forward to helping investors realize their preferred return with guidance from our seasoned management team.”


About the Bainbridge Hershiser Holdings Group

Collectively, the Bainbridge Hershiser Group has managed over $310 million in real estate transactions with over 25 years of real experience. A joint venture between Major League Baseball All-Star, Orel Hershiser, and Bainbridge Investments, the fund is a national resource for borrowers seeking alternative lending solutions for a short-term loan.

The trusted management team has been involved with both wholesale and retail lending since 2003, for a collective first trust deed experience totaling more than $230 million.

As of the first trust deed fund’s inception in October of 2012, Bainbridge Hershiser has funded over 80 loans across 15 states for $49.2M, with a fair market value of $186.3M. A real estate executive group, the firm attracts investors who strive to diversify their investment portfolio with real estate debt.

For more information on the Bainbridge Hershiser Income Fund contact:

Bainbridge Hershiser Holdings Group

8337 W. Sunset Road #150

Las Vegas Nevada 89113

Ph: (424) 281-0229

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